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Join Us in Communicating about National Voter Registration Day!

Happy National Voter Registration Day from everyone at U.S. Vote Foundation! If you are not yet registered to vote, do it now. If you need an absentee ballot, request it now! Remind your friends, family members, or co-workers who to register to vote – show them how – direct them to

There are so many speedy 21st century methods to get the word out to your network contacts. Email your friends and family and let them know it is National Voter Registration Day.

Voter registration is no longer time consuming or laborious - that is the way of the past. Registering to vote is remarkably simplified these days and the U.S. Vote Foundation website is a one-stop resource to get you up to speed in a hurry. Be sure to include our link when you send out those emails to your family, friends, and associates!  They will thank you later.

For those Americans who are overseas, we have you covered, too. U.S. Vote Foundation welcomes you and offers you the special Registration/Ballot Request process that you require.

Today is the day for you to be part of the NVRD communication effort! Take up your smart phone and text and tweet about National Voter Registration Day. Be sure to use the hashtag #CelebrateNVRD to help spread the word. When you do, please include @US_Vote and @overseasvote. We’d love to be a part of your NVRD experience.

Hop on Facebook to post it to your wall. Share your voter registration success stories on Instagram and Vine. If you have your own blog, use it to drum up interest in voting. If you can reach just one person and inspire them to register to vote, that is a powerful voice. Imagine if each of us can spur one American to register to vote today.

This is a national holiday to us and along with Election Day, National Voter Registration Day is a day we anticipate all year long. It is finally here, so please join us to make it a resounding success!