Register to Vote in Your State with U.S. Vote Foundation

  • Voting is one of the most important civic duties we have as Americans. It is our right and responsibility to cast our vote and make our voices heard. Register to vote with this tool from U.S. Vote Foundation and ensure that your ballot is cast in every election. Don't miss this opportunity to have a say in the future of our country.

  • Overseas voters: simultaneously register to vote and request an overseas absentee ballot >>>


Contact Information


Birth Date

Home Address

Previous Address
If you were registered to vote in a different location

(Use only if you were registered to vote before and wish to change or cancel your prior registration)

Voters Alert / Mailing List Opt-In

Stay Informed of Upcoming Elections

Ballot Forwarding Address
If you need your ballots sent to an address different from your "Current Address," click the box that says, "Mail my ballot to a forwarding address," and insert the forwarding address information.