Ballot Return Options

Here are your in-person ballot return options for General Elections.

All states allow postal return and commercial courier delivery, but if you can drop your ballot off in person at your Local Election Office or Dropbox Location - that is a good option, too!

For election office addresses and contact details, check the Election Official Directory. For Drop Box location listings, check the State Voting Requirements / State Lookup Tools section for your state.


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In-Person Ballot Return Options
Election Office
Drop Box
Early Vote Location
Polling Place
AL Ballot Drop OffReturn to Office of Absentee Election Manager.   
AK Ballot Drop OffReturn to any Division of Elections office, any voting location, or via drop box. (1)
AZ Ballot Drop OffReturn to any drop-off location, any early voting location, any Election Day voting location in your County, or via drop box. (1)
AR Ballot Drop OffReturn to local County clerk.   
CA Ballot Drop OffReturn to any polling place, local County Elections Office, or via County drop boxes.
CO Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Elections Office, at any Voter Service and Polling Center, Early Voting Location, or via County drop boxes. 
CT Ballot Drop OffReturn to Town Clerk’s office or via drop boxes. (1)  
DE Ballot Drop OffReturn to local Department of Elections Office.    
DC Ballot Drop OffReturn to any polling place, or via drop box. 
FL Ballot Drop OffReturn to local Elections Office, at early voting sites, or via secure drop boxes. (1) 
GA Ballot Drop OffReturn to local County Registrar or via drop boxes. (1)  
HI Ballot Drop OffReturn to Voter Service Center or Place of Deposit (drop box). (2)  
ID Ballot Drop OffReturn to local County Clerk's Office or via drop box where available. (1)  
IL Ballot Drop OffReturn to the office of your local election authority or, in many election jurisdictions, drop it in a secure drop box.  
IN Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Election Board.  ✔ 
IA Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Auditor's Office.   
KS Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Election Office, any polling place, or via drop boxes. (1)
KY Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Clerk or via drop box. (1) ✔ 
LA Ballot Drop OffReturn to the Registrar of Voters.   
ME Ballot Drop OffReturn to the Municipal Clerk. ✔  
MD Ballot Drop OffReturn to local Board of Election, an early voting center, or via dop box.  
MA Ballot Drop OffReturn to local election office, early voting location or via drop box.✔  
MI Ballot Drop OffReturn to local Clerk's office, via drop box, to polling place, or to an early voting site.✔ ✔ 
MN Ballot Drop OffReturn to the Election Office that sent you your ballot, or via drop box. ✔  
MS Ballot Drop OffYou must return your ballot by to your county clerk's office. ✔   
MO Ballot Drop OffVoters can vote by absentee ballot in the local election authority office until 5:00 p.m. the night before the election.   ✔ 
MT Ballot Drop OffReturn to local Elections Office or any Election Day polling place in your County  
NE Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Election Office or via drop box. (1)  
NV Ballot Drop OffReturn to Election Department, any early voting site, any Election Day polling place, or via drop box.
NH Ballot Drop OffReturn to Town Clerk.   
NJ Ballot Drop OffReturn to local Board of Elections Office or via drop box.   
NM Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Clerk's Office, any Early Voting location, or Election Day polling location in your county. (1)
NY Ballot Drop OffReturn to local Board of Elections Office, any early voting location, or any Election Day voting location. 
NC Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Board of Elections or an Early Voting site.   
ND Ballot Drop OffReturn ballot to elections office or via drop box. (1)  
OH Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Board of Elections or Early Voting Center. (1)  ✔ 
OK Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Board of Elections   
OR Ballot Drop OffReturn to Election Office or via drop box.    
PA Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Election Office, Early Voting Office, or via drop boxes. (1) ✔ 
RI Ballot Drop OffReturn to Board of Elections or via any drop box. (1)  
SC Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Voter Registration Office or Early Voting Office.  ✔ 
SD Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Election Official.   
TN Ballot Drop OffYou must return your ballot by mail (USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.).    
TX Ballot Drop OffReturn to Early Voting Location.   ✔ 
UT Ballot Drop OffReturn via drop box, to Early Voting location, or Polling Place.  ✔✔ 
VT Ballot Drop OffReturn to Town Clerk's Office, drop box, or polling place on Election Day. 
VA Ballot Drop OffReturn to General Registrar's Office, a local polling place on Election Day, or via drop boxes. (1)  
WA Ballot Drop OffReturn to Early Voting Location or via drop box.   ✔ 
WV Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Clerk's Office by the day before Election Day.   
WI Ballot Drop OffReturn to the Clerk’s Office, an in-person absentee/early voting site, drop box, or your polling place on Election Day. (1)
WY Ballot Drop OffReturn to County Clerk's Office or place in a drop box..  



(1) Check with Local Election Office for drop box locations and information.

(2) Voter Service Centers are HI Early Voting locations with additional functions.