As the premier service of US Vote, we believe that every voter should have a Voter Account to manage their personal democracy. It is a tool designed to support life-long civic engagement with voting as a central action.

- Instantly generate a voter registration or absentee ballot request form
- Manage your personal Democracy Profile
- Easily find your election office and contact details
- Check your voter registration status
- See your election dates and deadlines
- Confirm your voter registration status
- Find your polling place
- Tailor your Voter Alert subscription
- Get help from the Voter Help Desk
- ... and more!
The Voter Account service is designed to help you cultivate your 'personal democracy'. It moves with you and informs you as a voter.
You can maintain a single Voter Account throughout your life and stay up to date and active as a voter with the state voter information and voter services you need - all in one place. No more searching - you find it all in your account.
A Voter Account will return value to you for your voting effort.