City of Greenfield, Milwaukee County, WI Election Office Contact

Welcome to U.S. Vote Foundation's Election Office Directory record for City of Greenfield, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.

Here you can find contact information for the election officials responsible for administering elections in the City of Greenfield, Milwaukee County election jurisdiction. Whether you plan to visit the election office or to email or call your election official, or to find addresses for sending voting materials by postal mail or express mail, this directory is the go-to resource for participating in the democratic process in City of Greenfield, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.

Address Information

Postal Mail & Express Mail Delivery

Municipal Clerk
STE 102
Election Official Contact Details

Local Election Official

Greenfield City Clerk's Office

Absentee Voter Clerk

Greenfield City Clerk's Office
Additional Information
Office Hours
M-F: 8a-5p Central
Further instructions
Ways to Return your Absentee Ballot: Mail your ballot. Allow at least one week for mail.* o Personally deliver your ballot to the City Clerk’s office, Room 102.* (Return by 7 PM on Election Day to allow time for delivery to the polls by 8 PM.) o o Personally deliver your ballot to your polling location on Election Day between the hours of 7 AM and 8 PM.* o o Personally deliver your ballot to the drop box, located in the wall on the south side of the Greenfield City Hall building, 7325 W. Forest Home Ave.* (The drop box closes at 7 PM on Election Day to allow time for delivery to the polls by 8 PM.) *Voters with disabilities have the right to assistance in returning an absentee ballot. The voter’s assistant can be anyone who is not the voter’s employer, an agent of the employer, a representative of their labor union, or a candidate on the ballot.

Update City of Greenfield, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Information
(For Election Official Use Only)