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Legislation Made Easy - Try the POPVOX Service

If you have not yet heard of POPVOX, a comprehensive resource on current legislation, then you are missing out on a vital information resource. The site provides the forum for you to communicate your support or opposition to Congress about any particular bill.

As the name suggests, POPVOX is place where the people can voice their opinions. In their own words, “POPVOX is different from other political sites. It is not a discussion forum. It is a place for action.” Letters to members of Congress are typically delivered within 33 hours, for example.

The website was launched in 2010 and has spawned a plethora of ways to bridge the connection between Congress and the people. For example, the POPVOX blog covers virtually every issue before Congress in a clear, easy-to-follow format. Readers can also keep up-to-date via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, website newsfeed, and a weekly newsletter.

POPVOX aims to offer their visitors confidence in the information provided as well as the ability to speak directly to Congress. In their words, “POPVOX verifies, aggregates, and simplifies communication with Congress on an open and trusted (and nonpartisan) common ground.” This innovation is refreshing in an era of polarized Congress and media.

If you are interested in tuning out the partisan white noise and getting straight to the heart of the matter, visit POPVOX and sign up for their weekly updates.