US Vote Blog

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verified voting

Several startup companies have begun to promote Internet voting systems, this time with a new twist – using a blockchain as the container for voted ballots transmitted from voters’ private devices. Blockchains are a relatively new system category somewhat akin to a distributed database. Proponents promote them as a revolutionary innovation providing strong security guarantees that can render online elections safe from cyber attack.

Unfortunately, such claims are false....

The Skimm in plain black

Whoosh! theSkimm has hit the accelerator with their NoExcuses campaign.

In their own words, No Excuses is "theSkimm's nonpartisan campaign aiming to get 100,000 people to vote in the midterm elections. We're not here to tell you who to vote for, we just want to make sure that you vote. Because democracy." And that about says it all.

Overseas Voting Blog Series on 2016 Turnout

Approximately 7% of eligible American overseas voters returned their ballots in the 2016 General Election. That's right. Just 7%.

It's a tiny improvement over the 4% level last reported, which we also found quite disappointing

The Federal Voting Assistance Program's (FVAP) most recent Overseas...

flag with soldier saluting

Over the years, many states have added a program for registered voters, called VOTE IN HONOR OF A VETERAN. A wonderful program to honor the men and women who fight for the freedom of all Americans and citizens around the world. Once you fill out your state’s form, they might send you a printable certificate, bumper sticker and/or lapel pin. New states are being added. Any of these states yours?

US Students Abroad Request Your Overseas Ballot sign

American students are increasingly taking part in Study Abroad programs. During the 2015-2016 school year, the growth rate of students studying abroad was 3.8%. Of those 325,339 students, how many realized that they carried with them their right to vote?[1]

U.S. students take part in summer...

Yellow diamond street sign with words Elections 2018

Many overseas Americans are unaware that they can vote in the 2018 Federal Midterm Elections. Some don’t think their vote even matters, or that it is too hard.

You are eligible to vote: if you are a US citizen, 18 years old or older on Election Day, and eligible in your state.  Midterm elections in...

Make a difference in 2018

It has been an incredible journey, this first crowdfunding effort. Our Every Citizen is a Voter campaign proved itself as a compelling force which could drive a vision and action in many individuals. The Diary itself became its own adjunct project that brought in many fascinating and beautifully composed contributions. And I personally enjoyed keeping in touch all of you who are sustaining us.

Election Technology and Data - Civic Data

US Vote’s new Civic Data and Hosted Systems Products and Services website welcomes civic tech developers, voter outreach organizations, and elections specialists to review and request API access to the datasets and systems that US Vote offers. The US Vote datasets include Election Dates and Deadlines, State Voting Requirements, Local Election Official Contact data, and Voting Methods and Options. The new site also presents US Vote’s custom Hosted Systems Solutions, most widely used for overseas voter outreach.

Square with red x and word vote

Creating better outreach and access for voters with disabilities

According to the American Association of Persons With Disabilities (AADP), 35.4 million people living with a disability were eligible to vote in 2016. That’s about one sixth of all eligible voters. If you add in those of us who are...