US Vote Blog

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natural disaster image fire on lush hillside with helicopter above

Sadly, natural disasters can happen at any time, anywhere in the United States. Fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. can leave unsuspecting communities turned upside down. During these incredibly difficult times, citizens typically band together and focus on their safety and providing basic needs for one another.

An election might not be someone’s top priority if they were recently involved in a disaster, however there are several simple ways to cast your ballot when life has thrown you a curve ball and voting on Election Day at your polling place is not an option.

Three signs pointing with the words Your, Vote and Counts

Featuring four state-wide elections with significant implications for that state. If you are a voter in VA, PA, KY, or MS, has done the research for you and has prepared non-partisan informational guides for your upcoming election.

Learn about the candidates and topics affecting you and make a plan to vote in your next local election!

Dice showing numbers 2024

U.S. Vote Foundation Answers Your Top 2024 Election Preparation Questions

Just as television commercials for school supplies encroach on the last joy-filled days of summer, Presidential General Election cycles are now commencing earlier and earlier. Or perhaps like a steady drumbeat, they never...

USA continent with the word primaries splashed on it

Before voters go to the polls in a General Election to elect the next president of the United States, they are given the opportunity to assist the major political parties in deciding who will be their nominated candidate via primary election or caucus.

Choosing the best candidate to be the nominee of the party is considered the first step to winning an election. It’s crucial to get this right, which is why primary elections are vitally important. Here's a sneak preview chart of primary and caucus dates for all states and territories!

Sign with frown says I quit

Our nation faces a pivotal period in regard to election administration. As the 2024 elections approach, the country is grappling with a multitude of issues that have put a strain on election officials. Many election officials are resigning and leaving behind a void of valuable legacy knowledge.

This blog explores the significance of US Vote tracking and maintaining detailed election data and our role in fostering benefits for the election community.

Three candidates merging onto a singular path forward

One administrative change that could significantly affect election turnout at all levels, and that already has bipartisan support, is election consolidation.

Evidence is mounting that not only does election consolidation improve turnout in local elections – either by 8 to 18 percentage points, depending on the election, midterm or presidential, or even up to 50 percentage points – but it also boosts national turnout in state and federal elections.

doorway lintel with words supreme court etched into stone

“The most important election that nobody’s ever heard of,”[1] is how this year’s election for Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice is being described. The race will deliver a judge who will preside over cases as consequential as abortion rights and redistricting.

Considered by some as the number one controversial issue of the moment, abortion rights would be enough to drive attention to this election. The additional issue of redistricting in this crucial swing state means the next Supreme Court Justice of Wisconsin may find themselves under a very bright spotlight. And more than once.

Voting Law Changes

There are a number of hot button election bills under consideration in 2023 state legislative sessions which address the questions:

- Who gets to vote?
- How stringent should voting policies be?

The ways state legislatures address these questions will shape the voting population as well as election outcomes.

U.S. Vote Foundation monitors election law changes on a state-by-state basis. Check out our State Voter Information to see if there have been any changes in your state’s laws for eligibility, identification, and ways to vote.

In our federal system, state governments largely have the authority to make rules....

US Vote 2022 Post Election Survey Results Announced

U.S. Vote Foundation has a long history of post-election research starting with the 2004 General Election and every general election cycle since then. The 2022 Midterm General Election year was no exception. We opted for a short, 3-5 minute survey to get a finger on the pulse of the voter experience in this election year.

Fascinating! That's the word we give to this year's post-election survey results. Satisfaction DOWN. Motivation UP. You might wonder, how is that?

Our new 2022 Voter Experience Survey Report is now available. Have a look, and get the answers you seek!