US Vote Blog

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US Vote Announcement for New Voter Help Desk

Is there a question standing between you and voting?

Do I still have time to register to vote? Where do I send my voting forms? How do I vote from abroad? These are all very real questions that keep voters like you from voting.... or not! Because getting a personal answer can be the one thing it takes to help you move forward.

We have the answer to these questions and over 100 more ready-to-go....

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Introducing US Vote's enhanced, personalized voter experience

Are you ready for a new and improved voting experience?

US Vote’s newly launched website offers that and more. With a site that is optimized for mobile devices and updated to include new charts and services, we are ready to help you cast your ballot in the 2022 midterm elections!

The feature and functionality we are proudest to introduce is the new, upgraded Voter Account dashboard, which offers you a personalized voter experience.

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Every Election Year, you have the opportunity to vote in both primary elections to choose your party's nominees, and then the general election in November. U.S. Vote Foundation (US Vote) maintains a comprehensive list of all upcoming elections in our Election Dates and Deadlines calendar, by state.

Many voters prefer the feeling of walking into a polling place, physically submitting or scanning a ballot, and getting an “I Voted!” sticker, which you can be proud to wear.

For voters who wish to vote in person, here's a list of what to expect at the polling place.


If you’re like most Americans, you’re seriously considering voting by absentee ballot...

...instead of at the polling place in this year's primary and mid-term elections, if you haven’t already done so. Absentee voting, whether you live stateside or are one of the millions of overseas voters, offers you the convenience of selecting candidates for office at the time of your choosing: after work, around the table with your family, or from your couch.

No need to wait in line, and no time limits (as you might experience on Election Day or during early voting) as long as you mail in or place your voted ballot in a drop box by the deadline.

RevUp US Vote Webinar Announcement

There’s a key question that voters with disabilities should address right now in advance of the November 8th election: What is the most convenient way to securely cast a ballot given one’s personal circumstance?

Join us on Monday, October 24th at 1:00 PM ET.
REV UP! will host a US Vote Absentee Ballot Request Webinar
to get ballots in the hands of voters for the upcoming election.

When weighing whether to vote in person, it’s crucial to consider that while the full and equal opportunity to vote is protected by federal law ...

City New Haven CT Logo

National Disability Voting Rights Week - Guest Blog - Issue 6.

Voting is one of the most important rights, privileges, and responsibilities we have as Americans, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and physical or mental ability. Your vote is your voice on who you want to represent you on local, state, and national levels and your voice on issues important to you.

Collectively, all voters including voters with disabilities can influence policies and impact outcomes that affect our families, our children, and our neighbors.


National Disability Voting Rights Week - Guest Blog - Issue 5.

It’s already challenging to increase voting in rural communities, but increasing the rural disability vote is even more difficult. While increasing voter turnout is challenging everywhere, issues specific to rural voting must be confronted to effectively implement a voting strategy in these less populated areas.

These strategies can be used in your rural community too...

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National Disability Voting Rights Week - Guest Blog - Issue 4.

Knowing just what you want to say, but getting wrong words. Lots of wrong words or no words at all. THAT’S aphasia.

We all experience getting stuck for words once in a while. When it happens, our sentences may sound funny or be filled with hesitations. We may laugh, we may get frustrated. We may ask for help. We may Google the word. Sometimes we give up. This is what people with aphasia do, too.

For most of us, these momentary glitches are just that, glitches...

Access the Vote - Inclusive Election for All - Logo

National Disability Voting Rights Week - Guest Blog - Issue 3.

The third guest blog post in U.S. Vote Foundation’s Disability Rights Voting Week series comes from Access the Vote Florida (ATVFL), which is the Florida chapter of the national REV UP Voting Campaign.

As Americans, one of our inherent rights is that of liberty. A key part of liberty consists of equitable access and the ability to impact society, and one of the most basic ways to exercise that is through our individual right to vote. For the estimated one in four Americans living with disabilities, in the United States, the ability to vote affords them the opportunity to exercise autonomy and to participate in democracy in the same way as any citizen.