
balance with 2 small pink balls on one side and a large yellow ball on the other

Presidential Election 2024: Contrasting the Candidates, Policies and Positions

With all the chatter and excitement around the candidates and their campaigns, the vitally important aspects of their respective policies and positions seem to get lost. What they will do versus what they will say? You may want to consider the actual policies being proposed as a deciding factor in who you vote for this coming November.

U.S. Vote Foundation does not advocate for any party or candidate. We aim to INFORM you on everything you need to get registered to vote, to request your ballot, to do all of it within the deadline. But that is where we stop. Our work is all about getting you to the point of casting your ballot, but we have nothing to say about how you vote or for whom.

For those of you looking for more, however, we can offer you a source for further information.

See the 2024 Presidential Issues Guide

While many people may have already decided on their presidential candidate, others have not. And some are still curious. If you are interested in exploring the differences between the candidates, their policies and positions, we have a source of solid, nonpartisan information that may be of interest to you. has developed a thorough issues guide so you can see exactly how both candidates stack up against each other.

It's easy to get distracted by the big personalities at the top of the ticket, so we want you to have the information you need to do your due diligence before Election Day. To avoid the growing amount of mis-information, it's best to rely only on dependable sources of information like the issues guide.

The issues guide lists many topics from abortion to social security to climate change and more. Each topic includes a question related to that topic with a concise response developed for each candidate. This allows you to get to know each candidate and their positions on the specific issues on a deeper level and also allows you to see how your ideas align with each candidate and the policies they promise to implement.

Study the issues guide, share it with a friend, and make sure you truly know for whom (and what) you’re casting your ballot on Election Day.