
Top 15 Absentee Vote-by-Mail Ballot Questions - 2024 Update
Here are the most commonly asked Domestic and Overseas Absentee Ballot questions from our Voter Help Desk. Have a look and see if your question is answered.
1. Is there still time to request a domestic US absentee ballot?
- Yes, there may still be time to request an absentee ballot. You need to be registered first, and then create your ballot request.
- Before you complete your form, check the Election Dates & Deadlines in your state for absentee ballot request deadlines and early voting dates in your state. (Notice the toggle to overseas voter dates!)
- If your deadline allows it, find the correct Absentee Ballot Request application on our website.
- If you are domestic US-based voter, and missed your deadline for ballot request, you may be able to vote early; many states offer some form of early voting. Check our Early Voting Dates Chart.
2. When are ballots mailed out and where’s mine?
- States vary in their timing for mailing out ballots. For US-based domestic voters, expect it to be sent about 4 weeks prior to Election Day. For overseas voters and military voters, ballots are ready to send to voters who request them as of 45 days prior to the election.
- If you sent your ballot request form to your election office and confirmed that you are registered, but don't yet have your ballot - it is good to check on its whereabouts as soon as possible.
- Sign up for ballot tracking in your state. See the Where's My Ballot? chart for a link to your state's tracking tool.
- If the "Where's My Ballot" link is unavailable or you do not find your ballot, you will need to look up and call your election office - they manage ballot sending and counting.
- Also, check out the new Ballot Return Options chart.
3. Is there a deadline to vote and return my absentee ballot?
- Of course there is a deadline! And of course the deadline differs by state (this is America!:-)
- Pay attention to whether your ballot return deadline is "postmarked by" or "received by" Election Day. There's a big difference between those two.
- Check the Election Dates & Deadlines for your state. (Notice the toggle to overseas voter dates!)
- Try to get it there before the deadline.
- It's best to vote and send back your ballot as soon as you receive it.
4. Can I view my sample ballot?
- You can find an excellent lookup service that allows you to view your sample ballot on our website.
- Go to the Sample Ballot Lookup tool.
- The tool not only offers information on candidates, but also helps you to understand all-important ballot measures that may be on your ballot this year.
- See more info on Ballot Measures and Why They are Important.
5. I received my absentee ballot. When should I return it?
- Always complete and return your absentee ballot as soon as possible. How about, immediately?!
- It is best to take your ballot to the post office and make sure it gets postmarked to confirm that it was placed in the mail before the deadline.
- If you are a US-based domestic voter, it may also be possible for you to drop off your ballot at your election office or in a ballot drop box. Check the Ballot Return Options Chart.
- If you are an overseas or military voter, you may be able to return your ballot electronically. Go to State Voter Information and toggle to the Overseas and Military Voter tab. Then check the Voter Materials Transmission Options in your state.
6. Why am I being asked to sign the outside of the ballot return envelope?
- If you have received your ballot by post and it includes an official ballot return envelope, it is essential that you sign the outside of the ballot envelope as indicated on your envelope and in the instructions that come with your ballot.
- This is for the purpose of signature matching, to confirm your identity. Keep your signature consistent with the signature on your ballot request.
- When the ballots are prepared for counting, the envelope and the ballot will be separated in order to keep your ballot confidential.
- Overseas and military voters, and disabled voters who receive ballots online for printing and return should look out for an extra Oath to sign, and include on a separate paper with your ballot. Again, your signature will be subject to signature matching, to confirm your identity.
7. Can I return my ballot in person to my local election office, or put it in a drop box?
- Most states have options to either drop off your ballot at your election office in-person, or put it in a drop box. Please try to do so BEFORE Election Day.
- Many states offer multiple options. Check out our Ballot Return Options chart.
- Check the Election Dates & Deadlines chart to be sure of your state's deadlines. A ballot that must be RECEIVED by Election Day means earlier action than a ballot that must be postmarked by Election Day. Plan accordingly.
8. I received my absentee ballot, but I have a question about it (or the envelope). Who should I ask?
- Please direct all ballot questions to your election office. They manage all aspects of your ballot (except the voting part:-)
- Go to the Election Official Directory to look up all contact details for your Local Election Office.
9. Who counts absentee ballots and are all ballots counted?
- Absentee ballots are counted by your Local Election Office.
- Strict ballot counting procedures are in place to protect the confidentiality of your vote.
- ALL ballots must be counted: that is the law of the land. Every Local Election Office must “certify” the results of the election.
- This requires that every ballot is counted and/or accounted for - this is not an option. It is a legal requirement.
- Even if the results of the election are called before the end of ballot counting (due to the margin), all ballots must be counted.
10. Do I need to vote for every contest/race on the ballot?
- No, you do not have to vote for every contest or race or proposition on the ballot.
- Your ballot will still be counted even if you do not complete it in full.
11. My overseas absentee ballot is late; what should I do?
- Overseas Ballots are sent as of 45 days prior to the election - it's a good idea to check if yours has not appeared yet.
- Sign up for ballot tracking in your state. See the Where's My Ballot? chart for a link to your state's tool.
- If the "Where's My Ballot" link is unavailable or you do not find your ballot, you will need to look up and call your election office - they manage ballot sending and counting.
- Also, check out the new Ballot Return Options chart.
- If you cannot obtain your ballot, please use the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot.
12. Where can I find the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB)?
- The FWAB can be found on our site
13. What if I sent in the FWAB and my actual ballot arrives from my election office?
- Even if you used the FWAB, you should vote the ballot that is sent to you and return it.
- Your election office will replace your FWAB with your actual ballot before counting begins.
14. I am voting from overseas, but am planning to give my ballot to someone to carry back to the US and mail there - is that a good idea?
- Overseas ballots need an overseas POSTMARK, or they risk being rejected.
- Mail overseas ballots from overseas and make sure the postmark is put on the envelope and not blurred.
- If you take your ballot to a consulate or embassy, they will mark it appropriately (but they will not necessarily be faster than the post office).
- If you send the ballot through an express courier service (like FedEx or DHL), the waybill will indicate the date of sending.
15. What postage do I need for my absentee ballot?
- It is always best to take your ballot to the post office to be sure that the postage is correct and that it is clearly postmarked.
- Postage can vary - don't guess it.
Bonus Question: Can I vote online?
- You’re kidding, right? (Hi Vlad!)
- If you're not kidding, please think about if you really want to vote online and expose your vote to hacking, tampering, or interception.
- Just about every aspect of the voting process is online, but casting your ballot is not.
- Some states do offer overseas voters the option to return ballots electronically, which can be great in a pinch, but if you have a time to return it on paper, we suggest you opt for the post as your first choice.