Town of Sharon, CT Election Office Contact

Welcome to U.S. Vote Foundation's Election Office Directory record for Town of Sharon, Connecticut.

Here you can find contact information for the election officials responsible for administering elections in the Town of Sharon election jurisdiction. Whether you plan to visit the election office or to email or call your election official, or to find addresses for sending voting materials by postal mail or express mail, this directory is the go-to resource for participating in the democratic process in Town of Sharon, Connecticut.

Address Information

Express Mail Delivery

Sharon Town Clerk
63 Main Street
SHARON CT, 06069

Postal Mail

Sharon Town Clerk
PO BOX 224
SHARON CT, 06069
Election Official Contact Details

Town Clerk

Linda Amerighi

Email Address

Assistant Town Clerk

Marlene Woodman

Email Address

Voter Registrar (Democratic)

Marel Rogers

Email Address

Voter Registrar (Republican)

Patricia Chamberlain

Email Address

Additional Information
Office Hours
M-Th 8:30a-12p and 1-4p; F: 8:30a -12p ET
Further instructions
All email requests for absentee ballots need to go to [email protected]. This is outlook express which provides complete privacy to the voter and provides this office with delivery of receipt. Access to this is only in the office during office hours. Please be sure that all requests for absentee ballots are delivered to that email. Thank you. Registrar of Voters have their own office hours which are Tuesdays 10-12:00 pm.

Update Town of Sharon, Connecticut Information
(For Election Official Use Only)