US.VOTE Introduces You're Eligible Situations - YES Campaign 2024
Real Voters. Relatable Stories. Realistic Solutions.
Ela M. Yazzie-King agreed to an interview with US.VOTE (www.us.vote) YES Campaign about the difficulty of voting from a reservation when you don’t have an official street address. US.VOTE is U.S. Vote Foundation’s new website initiative dedicated to voter outreach and engagement, and Ela brought us a powerful start.
As she described her community in the Navajo Nation, Ela painted a picture of a network of long dirt roads that lack names but are full of potholes—roads that a rainstorm can render impassable on Election Day. She talked about the difficulty of traversing those roads, even in good weather, in a place without public transportation.
Ela described homes off those roads that are heated by firewood but lack running water or other utilities, making it impossible for some voters to produce utility bills as proof of residence.
Ela told US.VOTE that on October 12, 2021, she had received notice that she would be required, among other stipulations, to pinpoint her home’s latitude and longitude in order to continue voting in Arizona. In response, she had to make arrangements to go to a voting office during its limited hours of operation to find out how to comply. And, due to mobility issues that prevented her from climbing the stairs, Ela described how she had to wait on the ground floor for someone to come along and help her satisfy this requirement.
Ela M. Yazzie-King - a seasoned voter and the first Native American person to be appointed by a U.S. President to serve on the National Council on Disability - was being asked to take this extraordinary measure simply so she could cast a ballot. Yet nothing was going to stop her from exercising her constitutional right to vote.

Presenting You're Eligible Situations - YES
Voter stories like Ela’s are the essence of You’re Eligible Situations - YES.
For the YES Campaign, US.VOTE started out asking “Can I vote if…” questions. But we gained much more than voter eligibility answers. The determined voters we interviewed breathe life and purpose into each scenario. They demonstrate that even amidst life’s complexities, voting can be manageable and meaningful for every eligible citizen.
The YES campaign presents voting solutions with human faces. YES Voting Champions - real American voters and reliable voting advocates - show citizens how to vote, and how to receive personalized support throughout the voting process.
Our hope is that voters facing situational barriers will relate to and be inspired by YES's voting champions, feel more empowered to make their voices heard, and become better equipped to cast their ballots.
YES Voting Champions - Relatable Stories, Realistic Solutions
US.VOTE/YES casts an inclusive net to capture people who may not see themselves in the mainstream of voters. Diverse stories break down the barriers, myths, and questions that stand in the way of voters in complicated yet eligible situations.
Readers will be inspired by Beth, who drove through multiple states to cast her ballot; Nhi, who started her journey to the ballot box as a refugee in Vietnam; and Noelle, an American citizen who is committed to voting from overseas even though she has never lived in the United States.
See the YES Social Media Toolkit
Voters will relate to others in more common situations that nevertheless make voting complex. Dave and Jane, who enjoy voting in person but contemplate voting by absentee ballot as retirees; Devon, who manages to vote each time he changes his residence; and Julia, who is committed to voting despite working unpredictable hours.
Finally, underrepresented voters will find support and encouragement from experts who are US.VOTE’s trusted partners. From individuals like serial entrepreneur Scott Galloway and military voting expert Dr. Donald S. Inbody, to organizations such as VoteRiders and Culture ONE World - the voting champions at US.VOTE/YES will uplift American citizens.
YES Identifies Underrepresented Voters to Close the Turnout Gap
Underrepresented voters have a voting turnout gap compared to the general U.S. population. The underrepresented population includes:
- Young voters
- Low-income voters
- Voters with limited English proficiency
- Voters with disabilities
- Voters without a college degree
- Overseas voters
- Mobile and transient voters
According to the 2020 US Census, the overall turnout rate for eligible voters in the 2020 presidential election was 66.8%. For underrepresented voters, turnout was alarmingly lower. | YES anticipates the situations that contribute to these gaps, and provides resources tailored specifically to empower these voting constituencies. |
The turnout rate for 18 - 24 year olds was about 51.4%. Young people are underrepresented with a gap of around 15.4%. | YES promotes pre-registration for young voters and partners with the Students Learn Students Vote Coalition to mobilize college students. |
There are 38 million voters with disabilities, the largest voting bloc in our country. The U.S. has a 6% turnout gap between voters with and without disabilities. | Voters with disabilities are supported through our state-by-state guide. YES also connects voters with disabilities to the National Disability Rights Network and the American Association for People with Disabilities REV UP Campaign. |
There are close to 3 million U.S. citizens abroad who can vote absentee, but only 7.8% did so in 2020. Overseas voters are underrepresented with a whopping 71.4% turnout gap.
| YES shares tools and stories of voters who have moved abroad temporarily or permanently. From expats to active military service members, voters who are overseas are not overlooked in the YES campaign. |
Reaching Voting Champions
Participants in US.VOTE/YES are considered our Voting Champions. They share stories that help to inform us on how to bridge the turnout gap for eligible American citizens. These include voters who are:
- relocating
- living overseas
- studying or working away from home
- managing unpredictable work hours
- seeking voting ID
- dealing with health concerns or disabilities
- facing language barriers
- restoring voting rights after judicial sanctions
- residing on a reservation
- lacking a permanent address
- considering voting by absentee ballot
- …and more…
YES also engages and informs anyone who is civic-minded, curious about voting, or is a student of American democracy. YES is both a practical and motivational asset for Get Out the Vote (GOTV) groups, as well as organizations that advocate for under-resourced citizens.
Check Out You're Eligible Situations - YES
Check out YES’ Voting Champions’ Stories to get the inspiration and resources needed to foster representation and build inclusion. Share answers to voting questions to starve misinformation and feed democracy. Together, let’s make every citizen a voter at US.VOTE/YES and U.S. Vote Foundation.