US Vote Blog

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Student Voting Young Voting

College students ought to have easily accessible, transparent information to questions they have about voting: Where can I register to vote? How do I register to vote? How do I get an absentee ballot?

After scouring 50 different Secretary of State websites in search of answers to these questions, one observation was clearer than the rest: navigating the voting process for college students is unnecessarily complicated and opaque. And while state-by-state answers to these questions are available here on the US Vote Foundation website, there are some findings and interpretations that I would like to share....

Skimm '2020 in green blue and red

Those of you who log on to U.S. Vote Foundation (US Vote) and Overseas Vote for help in getting your ballot or contacting your local election official may be surprised to know that we have another important mission: helping other organizations, companies, and even states provide the same services to...

Suffragettes with Signs

With the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution upon us, it’s worthwhile taking a look at what led to that historic moment a century ago. While 1920 marked the first election in which women could vote for president, it was hardly the first time that women were...

Absentee Mail Voting Title Image

Here are the most commonly asked Domestic and Overseas Absentee Ballot questions from our Voter Help Desk. Have a look and see if your question is answered.

If you have a voting question that is not answered in the list, please consult our Voter Help Desk! 99.9% of all voter questions are likely found in our FAQ.

Overseas Voting Title Image

This second post in a new series on overseas voting is by Mariana Neisuler, a career diplomat in the U.S. diplomatic service. Her views are presented in a personal and non-partisan capacity and do not represent those of the U.S. Department of State.

My Macedonian driver was chatting away as he made blood curdling turns along a mountainous road on the way to an Albanian village. It was June 2008 and Macedonia was holding its first early elections since the country’s founding in 1991. I was the Embassy’s elections monitor. As I willed myself to nap to avoid thinking about the abyss an inch away from our tires, I started thinking about an encounter just a couple of days earlier.

Local Elections Title Image

Every four years we gear up for a presidential election that consumes our collective attention like no other national event. The amount of energy – positive and negative – devoted to the primaries, the conventions, and the general election often obscures those other elections that take place on...

Old 3 cent postage stamp

This inaugural post in a new series on overseas voting is by Peter Neisuler, a career diplomat who has worked in the U. S. diplomatic service for over 15 years. In addition to his official duties, Peter, his fellow-diplomat wife Mariana Neisuler, and their children are all volunteers for U.S. Vote...

Absentee Mail Voting banner image

Why we shouldn’t fear an all-mail voting pandemic

by Gavin Thompson Weise, Election Data Manager, U.S. Foundation

The Wisconsin primary held earlier this month has shown us that in-person voting right now is impractical, if not downright dangerous. Mail voting, meanwhile, is offering an...

Ballot in Mailbox with Time for Action Caption

U.S. Vote Foundation Launches Action Campaign - Calls on Voters to Speak Out About Access to Vote-by-Mail Ballots

No one is untouched by the current public health crisis. No one knows how long this will go on, or how it might transform itself and us. Each one of us, everyday, is personally faced...