US Vote Blog

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voter alert

The Texas state primary election is right around the corner on Tuesday, March 1st!

Primaries are vitally important. Typically, less than 25% percent of eligible Texas voters typically participate in their primaries. Be the exception - is your opportunity! Choosing a good candidate is a crucial...


By Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat, President and CEO, U.S. Vote Foundation and Overseas Vote

Would you like to vote on your smartphone? No lines, no waiting, no issue! I have to admit, like everyone else, I would love to try out smartphone voting. BUT.

That's right. BUT. Over the years I've learned...

mobilize for midterms

One of my favorite sayings is, "There's always another election around the corner...". Indeed, here we are in another election year and it's time to get going. Midterm Mobilization is underway at U.S. Vote Foundation and Overseas Vote.

Congressional Primary Elections are coming up in all states...

US Vote Foundation and Overseas Vote Foundation logos

Military and overseas civilian voters have lost a great champion and hero. 

Former Senator John Warner (R, VA) died on May 25 in northern Virginia at the age of 94. President Biden lauded his "principled stances" on important issues facing our nation during his five terms in the US Senate from 1979...

Election Line logo

The OpEd, Overseas and Military Voting Laws Demonstrate that National Norms are Possible, by U.S. Vote Foundation's President and CEO as featured in Democracy Fund's electionline news on May 6, 2021, aims to emphasize that Congress has successfully passed federal voting legislation in the past, and...

Our new OpEd in The Fulcrum

From our perspective at U.S. Vote Foundation (US Vote), the build up to the election and the incredible participation levels across all states. Now, the aftermath of this successful 2020 election is a barrage of laws across many states.

Not all of them are bad, there are some that expand on the success of the recent general election. But some of these voting laws are designed to crush the level of engagement we just witnessed.

Scrabbles tiles spelling BLOCKCHAIN

Voters are understandably concerned about election security. News reports of possible election interference by foreign powers, of unauthorized voting, of voter disenfranchisement, and of technological failures call into question the integrity of elections worldwide. This article examines the suggestions that “voting over the Internet” or “voting on the blockchain” would increase election security, and finds such claims to be wanting and misleading.

While current election systems are far from perfect, Internet- and blockchain-based voting would greatly increase the risk of undetectable, nation-scale election failures.

I Voted button with

Every vote counts in any election, and that maxim is on full display in the upcoming January 5, 2021 Georgia runoff election. With two Senate seats up for grabs, and the margins in the General Election so small that the runoffs could go for either candidate, making sure every citizen is a voter –...

Two men in blue shirts with I Voted stickers

As the country gears up for a double runoff Senate election in Georgia, here’s a quick look at what could be one of the major deciding factors in the January 5 runoff. That factor is the youth vote, that cohort of 18-29 year-olds that arguably tipped the scales in Georgia during the 2020...