US Vote Blog

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Scales of justice

One of the unfortunate narratives coming out of this complex election year has been a raft of accusations about the integrity of the election process. The concerns have spanned a gamut of issues: from fears of foreign interference and the casting of fraudulent ballots to concerns about the accuracy...


As the antidote to doomscrolling and handwringing, we’d like to offer a little hope and a little optimism about what lies ahead: Our democracy is strong.

Look at the voter turnout reports. As of this writing we were closing in on exceeding the total 2016 vote count six days before Election Day, and by the time you read this we’ll probably have topped that total. Which means, of course, that we will have a record turnout.

Down Ballot Voting in Local Elections

While record numbers of voters are planning to cast a ballot this November – or are doing so right now, depending on the availability of early voting and mail-in balloting in your state – a troubling question is starting to emerge: will these voters, many of them first time voters, vote for more...

Street sign with many labels

Voting should be simple. It should be easy and efficient. It should allow any eligible citizen to claim their right to vote without difficulty.

It is not. Voting in the US is complicated, especially due to state-by-state differences that make it hard to participate in the most basic democratic...

Man and woman drinking wine looking at laptop

It’s possible that, like many of this year’s voters, you’re voting from home for the first time. Good for you. You may even be voting for first time, period. Even better. There’s a lot of good reasons to vote at home – safety in the midst of a pandemic being the main one these days. Another great...

Absentee Mail Voting when in disaster situation

In 2020, the news has been pretty grim if you live on the West Coast or the Gulf Coast: fires, hurricanes, evacuations, the loss of homes and businesses. The twin threat of seasonal fires and hurricanes are a constant reminder of the fragility inherent in the interplay between civilization and nature.

With both fire season and hurricane season still upon us, thousands have already lost their homes, and hundreds of thousands have been evacuated. Many of those evacuated were able to return to their homes, but all too many are now permanently displaced.

We vote written in chalk on concrete

One of the true pleasures in being part of a non-partisan get-out-the-vote organization is the interest that young people show in what U.S. Vote Foundation does in order to make sure Every Citizen is a Voter. Even though our motto is technically about every eligible citizen, young people who are...

globe with check mark and text saying overseas voting

One of the things we’re most proud of at U.S. Vote Foundation (US Vote) and Overseas Vote is our longstanding role supporting the efforts of uniformed services voters and their families to participate in the electoral process, regardless of whether they’re stationed overseas or stateside.

That role...

Andy Warhol hand with ballot

Voting Rights Restoration Clarified

If you've been convicted and lost your voting rights, you can restore your right to vote in every state! 

In partnership with Hip Hop Caucus, U.S. Vote Foundation (US Vote) has created a comprehensive, up-to-date, easy-to-understand resource to guide voters...