Arkansas Voting Requirements & Information
U.S. Vote Foundation’s Arkansas Voting Requirements and Information directory informs you of Arkansas voting rules and options. It focuses on Arkansas-specific voting guidelines and information for all voters, including domestic, overseas, and military voters. Here you can find out about Arkansas voter eligibility, voter ID requirements, registration, absentee and early voting options, ways to transmit voting documents and links to specific-Arkansas voting tools. It's an all-in-one Arkansas voting resource.
General Information
You can register to vote or update your registration information:
- by mail
- at the county clerk’s office in your home county
- at a State Revenue Office, Driver Services
- at a public library or Arkansas state library
- at a public assistance or disability agency
- at a military recruitment office
- at the Arkansas National Guard
- with the Secretary of State Elections Division
You must be an Arkansas resident at least 30 days prior to the first election in which you vote.
Election Day Voting
Polling places are open from 7:30am to 7:30pm on Election Day.
Find my polling place
Early Voting
Depending on the type of election being conducted, you may vote early during the 7 or 15 days prior to Election Day.
In most counties, early voting is conducted at the county clerk’s office. In counties with off-site early voting (a location other than the county clerk’s office), local newspapers will publish the designated sites and early voting hours.
During a preferential primary or a general election, early voting is available between the hours of 8am to 6pm Monday through Friday, and 10am to 4pm Saturday, ending at 5pm on the Monday before the election.
Absentee Voting
To be qualified to vote via an absentee ballot, you must meet ONE of the following criteria:
- You will be unavoidably absent from your polling site on election day
- You will be unable to attend your polling site on election day due to illness or physical disability
- You are a member of the U.S. armed forces, merchant marines or the spouse or a dependent family member
- A U.S. citizen whose residence is in Arkansas but is temporarily living outside the territorial limits of the United States
You may return your ballot by mail or electronically to the country clerk by seven days before the election. If you, a designated bearer, or administrator return your ballot in person, you must do so by the close of business the Friday before the election. On election day, an authorized agent may deliver your ballot by 1:30pm if you are a patient at a hospital, nursing home, or long-term care/residential care facility licensed by the state. This authorized agent must file an affidavit from the administrative head of a hospital or nursing home that verifies this information. Designated bearers and authorized agents can only pick up and submit ballots for two voters per election. They must show a current photo ID and sign an oath at the county clerk’s office.
Please visit the US Vote Disability Voting Guide to see accommodations for the registration and voting process.
Eligibility Requirements
You are eligible to vote in Arkansas if you:
- Are a U.S. citizen
- Are a resident of Arkansas
- Are at least 18 years old by Election Day
You are NOT eligible to vote in Arkansas if:
- You are currently serving a sentence including incarceration, parole, probation, or extended supervision for a felony conviction
- A judge has specifically ruled that you are not able to vote.
Restorative Requirements
- If your felony is expunged, OR if your sentence is completed, including parole or probation, with all fees paid that are associated with sentencing at the time of conviction: Get proof of expungement or sentence completion from the Department of Corrections or your Probation Office and submit this documentation to your county clerk's office when you register to vote.
If you are a student, you are eligible to vote in Arkansas if:
- You reside in Arkansas but are attending college in another state
- You reside in another state but attend college in Arkansas
- You provide a valid photo student ID from a college/university in Arkansas at the polls
Identification Requirements
Voter Registration
To register to vote in Arkansas you should provide one of the following:
- Last Four Digits of your Social Security Number
- Your Arkansas Driver's License Number
If you do not have any of these IDs, you can provide a copy of one of the following with your registration application:
- Current and Valid Photo ID
- Government Issued Document that shows your current name and address
- Utility Bill
- Government Check
- Bank Statement
- Paycheck that Shows your Current Name and Address
You can alternatively provide one of these documents when you vote to complete your registration. If you do not have an Arkansas Driver’s License, Arkansas ID or Social Security number and need help getting ID, go to [](
Voting In-Person
In Arkansas, you need to show a valid ID to vote. You can use any ID from this list:
- Current and Valid Photo ID
- U.S. Passport
- License to Carry Concealed Weapon or Firearm
- Valid Arkansas Driver's License
- Valid Military ID
- Public Assistance ID
- Valid Student ID from State School
If you do not have an Arkansas Driver’s License, Arkansas ID or Social Security number and need help getting ID, go to []
Voter Materials Transmission Options
Domestic Voter |
In-Person |
Fax |
Online |
Voter Registration | |||||
Absentee Ballot Request | |||||
Blank Ballot To Voter | |||||
Voted-Absentee Ballot Return |